Chapter 1Getting Started

1.1Target Environment

This guide is for Windows.


Installing Hugo

Install Hugo by following the instructions on the official website . After installing, confirm that the version of Hugo is displayed with the following command:

hugo version
:: Hugo Static Site Generator vx.xx.x ...

Installing Node.js and Vivliostyle

Install the LTS version of Node.js . After installing, confirm the versions of Node.js and npm are displayed with the following command:

node -v
:: vX.X.X
:: note: vivliostyle-cli is not working in Node v14.0.0

npm -v
:: X.X.X

Next, install vivliostyle-cli with npm. After installing, confirm the version of Vivliostyle with the following command:

npm install -g @vivliostyle/cli
vivliostyle -v
:: cli: X.X.X
:: core: X.X.X

Creating a Site and Installing a Theme

Create a new site with Hugo. In this example, the site name is myPDF.

hugo new site myPDF
cd myPDF

Download and extract the latest Source code (zip) from the releases page , and place it in /themes/hugo-theme-vivliocli.


If using Git, it is possible to install it as a submodule.

git init
git submodule add themes/hugo-theme-vivliocli

Copying Files from exampleSite

The theme includes an exampleSite that can be used as a template. Copy the necessary files from the exampleSite. Also, delete the default config.toml.

xcopy /s themes\hugo-theme-vivliocli\exampleSite\config config\
xcopy /s themes\hugo-theme-vivliocli\exampleSite\CI CI\
del config.toml

1.3Creating the First Site

Editing config.toml

Open /config/default.toml and comment out or delete the following line:

themesdir = "../.."

Also, edit baseURL and title.

baseURL = ""
title = "My PDF Site"

Creating a Cover

Create ja/firstpdf and en/firstpdf directories under content.

mkdir content\ja\firstpdf
mkdir content\en\firstpdf

Next, create a file under ja/firstpdf and edit it as follows. Save it in UTF-8 format. This file will be the cover/preface/table of contents of the PDF. The directory where is located will be the unit of PDF output.

pdfname: 'firstpdf'
doctitle: 'My first pdf'
subtitle: 'subtitle'
header: '2023/1/1'
author: 'auther'
pagesize: 'letter'
book: true
cover: true
toc: true
sectionNumberLevel: 2
colophon: false
- vivlio_cover
- vivlio_config

For details, please refer to .

Creating articles

Next, create articles. Create in /content/en/firstpdf and edit it as follows:

title: "firstpdf"
weight: 10

`` will become the section page on the site and will not be included in the PDF.

Also, create and in /content/en/firstpdf and edit and save them as follows:

title: "First article"
weight: 10

## First article

Hello. This is the first article.
title: "Next article"
weight: 20

## Next article

Hello. This is the next article.

Confirm that the created articles are displayed by selecting English from the Languages menu in the Hugo preview displayed with the following command. When you edit and save an article, LiveReload takes effect and the preview is updated.

hugo server --config config\default.toml


Exit the Hugo preview with Ctrl+C and run the following command to build the Hugo site:

cd CI\windows

If an error is output, check if the PDF is still open. Overwriting the PDF will fail if it is still open.

The result is /public_default/en/firstPDF.pdf. Let’s check it.

Customizing section numbers

The output level of chapter numbers such as 1.1 can be customized in Open and change the following section:

sectionNumberLevel: 2 # -> change to 1

In addition, the top-level output format and delimiter can be set in /config/default.toml.

    sectionDelimiter = "."
    sectionTopFormat = "Chapter %s" # -> change to "Lesson %s"

For other config parameters, please refer to the config.toml and the Hugo documentation , among others.

Check the following in /public_default/en/firstpdf.pdf:
